Thursday, January 10, 2008

Opening of T3 Changi Airport

It's 9th January today (at least to me it is) and it's an ordinary day to most people. But to the staff of Changi Airport it's a huge day cuz it's the opening of the new Terminal 3! Yeah, according to my co-ordinator, i was supposed to go there. Dunno what happened and i'm still here in T2. My management sucks, or maybe they're just taking advantage of us cuz we are teenage part-timers.

Well anyways nevertheless, everyday that you work in the airport is an interesting day; and it's all thanks to the passengers that travel through it! No doubt, the central shop was totally empty, with only a few people frolicking around, pretending to buy perfumes, when all they are there for is a free spritz. LOL joking. Most of the singapore airline flights (sq) are transfered to T3 so T2 becomes very empty.

I met this fella today. It started off with me explaining to him the standard procedures of the ziplock bag and the security check. Then he added this comment "the americans and th british are the real terrorists these days". I laughed at that and added that they were the super powers of the world. After a few chuckles we exchanged he asked me if i read (and just so you know, i do). He gave me a book recomendation. It's about the '911' incident i guess. He tells me he's a researcher and that the book has got important stuff and that i should get as many people to read it. lol. He even gave me his name card and email address. LOL ! That has never happened before (and i dont suppose it would happen again either) but it was both cool and wierd. I'm gonna get myself a copy of that book and email him about it haha.

till then ya, nitez! lol.

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