Monday, February 11, 2008

GE down, in time for school

It's Sunday, yup the Lord's day. My prayers were answered today, in a way i kinda didn't want lol. I wanted to kick the gaming addiction and guess what? My GE stopped working. -_-"
Gee, of all the times, juz as im about to vet my first team!

Somehow i know now i like to be emotional, or something like that. I love watching heartwrenching shows, and shows that make u cheer along with the actors. Love shows and all that kinda chick stuff. Now what kinda guy likes chick flicks? A gay guy! Being gay is ok, but not being a woman. I was suprised today i took 30 mins to pick my clothes and to wear them for church. Gosh im turning into a woman LOL.

Didn't play GE today, sad. lvl 93 already T_T. I have school in like, 7 or 8 hours so bye bye Granado Espada. Hopefully, with the Lord's grace, i will do well this time round, perhaps even better than i did before. A brother from church came back frm Australia today. He was telling me how if u have a church and the support from them, u can face anything u come across. remember he shared this verse, cant remember where it is found but it went, "I can do all things with Christ's strength" or something like that. Aite i'll end here. no pics today, cuz i had nth to snap, exact maybe a pic of Harold doing his chin ups when i went to meet him LOL jokin. I wonder how the airport is doing. Did they miss me? LOL


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