Tuesday, February 12, 2008

first day of school.

im up this late cuz i heard the all too familiar sound of my cats name being cried out around my block. yup thats right. little miss Cleo, went out today. she only responds to my call so when ppl like my mom go out and looked for her, her efforts were in vain. But even tually after like an hour of walking around my block and calling out her name i finally managed to locte her. some things in life u cant forget because they mean alot to you. this scene i will never forget. as i called her out from down the corridor, the relief that came to me was almost overwhelming. i was soooo afraid something had happened to her especially since this is little india. to see her running into my arms when i called out my name was so touching to me. i mean yeah imma emotional guy but sheesh!

anyways it was the first day of school and i am not all to happy about it. First and foremost the part i utterly dislike is having to explain myself to everyone. i should just walk around with a signboard over my shoulders like those promoters, imprinted with my reasons for retaking. -_-"

ms toh's reaction was the most proactive. she was so stunned to see me and i could tell she got at least 1/4 of the canteen population interested in what was going on. She was so stumped at the sight of me in my uniform it almost made me feel bad. then yeah i explained to her how i got B3 for science and distinction for english blah blah blah and that i failed maths thats why im back. teahers like ms sri didnt even look suprised to see me and kim yong. she asked in monotone, "how come u are here?" wonder if she was patronising us. but mdm prema is the one that acknowledges us the most. 'the new students' we are dubbed and labelled. everynow and then she will "summon" us and explain to us what is going on. i guess at least we are recognised, but it gets irritating once u hear 'the new students' every 3 minutes. -_-" i had my 2 minutes of fame when she asked if anyone had a distinction for english. i raised my hand and there we go, shower of praises. lol. she is like, "i have never taught Ajmal english or humanities before, i know him just by familiarisation, but i know his language has been consistent throughout, not just the average scores but he has always been an above average student." I'm like GOSH when will this english pro thing quit nagging me lol. Here we go again, another year of 'expected english proness'. pressure u know? i just finished the test and i'm already wondering if i passed. Perhaps its good cuz it will make me get my A1 this year? hopefully.

these are my teachers for this year;

maths - mdm tan siao wei (if i didnt spell wrongly), she gained loads of weight.
english- mdm prema
physics - mr seow a.k.a THE VISUALISER
chemistry - mdm tham!!
social studies - mdm prema T_T
geography - ms kaur !!! =D
mother tongue - mr mohammad, but im taking MLB so i just sit at the back and do my own thing.
F&N - mdm sri.

regardless of the teachers, i think its personal self-discipline that matters. if u wanna study even the worst teacher wont hinder u. Besides i have the entire school teaching faculty for consultation and the kind offers of numerous friends and teachers. i should prolly go out drinking sometime soon (im gonna be 18 anyways!~) and toast to the year. school, here i come!~

p.s. Haikel if u read my blog sry i keep postponing our meetings, im just really busy i guess.

cheers to the year 2008, and the O level yet another time round!~
aj =D

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