Saturday, February 2, 2008

1st Feb Already. So Fast.

Today i was supposed to have a doctor's appointement at the hospital. I didnt wake up so i missed it. Anyways dont really wanna go cuz i think its pretty much a waste of money. It's all about this quest to find out if i really have Marfan's Syndrome. What if i dont have? then how? Just relief only bah, but think of all the wasted time and money. Each time i go its refer here and refer there. Can refer untill some cardiology centre some more. I mean, my heart is alright (at least i think it is). Cant say u shouldn't trust the words of doctors, but its been long and i had to tahan dunno how many blood tests le. Just to satisfy the professional advice of the doctors (and my mom), i am gonna reschedule the appointments. Hopefully dont waste my time this time round.

Cannot wake up for doc's appointement, but can wake up to makan with Matt and Eraidie. Funny right? hahaha. Anyways at least i had a fairly good time out with them, though it was raining but we managed to make some jokes about it. (matt if it rains during CNY im gonna LAUGH!) lol. The grilled chicken i had was nice, but i've had better. Matt was telling us about his work and such, as usual, and eraidie was quiet the whole time, as usual. lol. Even after O levels people are still the same haha. But the outing was shortlived though (if im not using the word wrongly) cuz matthew got tired while we were walking around city-link. So we went home lor. I reached home around 530, when i left at 315 lol. At least i enjoyed it to some extent la haha. Tmr also going out, with harold, jian kai and melvin (the packer/runner gang lol). Sunday its church and monday i have to go back to school for an interview with the principal. It's basically go out for me this few days. Hmm, maybe tuesday can invite Rei out haha. Dont think he will come la. xD anyways its about time i get to bed now, its 148 am on my computer.

p.s. Just found out that it's the leap year this year. Cool. 29th Feb must be interesting i hope.

singing off while yawning lol

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