Friday, April 11, 2008

man crushes

Sometimes i think i am too OLD to have crushes. But then again i start to reconsider. I'm only 17, but there are people that are like 30 or so that i can have crushes on. Then that makes me too YOUNG for crushes. I know anyone and everyone can have crushes, but what really matters is the extent of the crush. Most will believe they are in 'love' somewhere in amidst their crush. YEAH RIGHT ! there is a fine line in between love and a crush people!

anyways, it's not uncommon for 'same-sex' crushes to occur. i.e. a dude likes a dude and a dudette likes a dudette. Often for straight people its just plain admiration in disguise. Read a newspaper article about it, and you'd be suprised at how many guys think they have a crush on their favourite soccer player!

but it is different if the person is not fully convinced he/she is straight. but then again, i say, so what? so what a guy likes a guy? Gay so what? Would you stop 2 people from falling in love just cuz they were the same sex? i certainly wouldn't! Love is blind, as they say. I'm sure it looks past the gender barrier.

anyways, i have had a fair share of crushes on guys myself. it's something not many people know about me, so that's something new for all of you who think you know me lol. I am pretty convinced i am having one now. An older guy lol. Some people just stick an impression on you, and he left a darn good one. But today i kinda told him i believed i had a crush on him and he was like 'O.O' - shocked lol. but he was completely open about it and explained to me that i was way to young lol. (i never asked him for a relationship or watever but he told me that lol) Anyways, as with any other crush, u feel kinda bad once rejected. Its like ur number one idol says, "sorry your not famous enough to know me" - something like that. u just feel all beaten up and pissed. sad even.

of course, i know what some of you are thinking right about here. "OMG he's gay! i knew it!" - lol. Keep in mind people it is a harmless crush and it means nothing as to the direction of my sexual orientation. Whether im gay or not is determined by the people i have crushes on -_-
besides, like i've said before, open gays have high self-esteem, and i would be somewhat honored to be one of em. It'd be an interesting journey of both rejection and freedom if u ask me.

see, what you do when you are young really determines how u grow up to be. Whether or not i grow up to be gay it doesn't matter to me; and neither should it to you (for those of you who call urselves my friend) because as moral human beings we should treat each other with the amount of dignity and respect we all deserve, regardless of one's status. It's not like you have a choice that you have a gay friend, or a straight friend.

Ryan would constantly remind me of my religious obligations; because i am 'Father John'. As a christian i uphold my duties towards the Lord and by saying all that i have said above, many would argue that i am going to hell. lol. well before u tell me that, i would like to ask you to give me solid evidence and clear verses of the bible which state that homosexuals are going to hell.

well, i gotta go, speech day's in 8 hours and i have to get some sleep! i'll be dancing tmr so keep a look out for me, those of you who are going lol. :D

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