Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Coming Out Process - The Cast Model.

So, I was YouTube-ing during my free time and like i said before one can find a million and one gay vids there. I found one that is very informative and thought i'd share. It's called "The Coming Out Process" and it uses something called the cast model, which shows you which stage u might be in, in terms of coming out, and what to expect in the next stage.

Stage 1 : Identity Confusion

This is a stage where u ask yourself questions like, "could i be gay" or "is homosexuality relevant to me". In this stage there could be a lot of denial and confusion and you could generally avoid information/behaviour of gays and lesbians. You might deny any sexual experiences as relevant, and rather just blame it on being drunk or experimenting.

Stage 2 : Identity Comparison

In this stage people contemplate the possibility that they could be gay. They might identify differences between them and their heterosexual peers which may lead to alienation. They may also feel grief from what they think they may be giving up by embracing their sexual orientation. They may just brush it off as something temporary though.

Stage 3 : Identity Tolerance

In this stage they accept the probability of being gay. In this stage they may try to decrease any social alienation by seeking out other gays/lesbians.

Stage 4 : Identity Acceptance

In this stage they accept rather than just tolerate a homosexual self image. In this stage there is increased contact with gay and lesbian community/culture and possibly less and less contact with the heterosexual culture. In this stage they try to bring their private life and their public life closer together by selectively coming out to people. They become more comfortable being seen with groups of gays and lesbians in public.

Stage 5 : Identity Pride

This stage is really an outward stage where people will think they have to let people know. They will become immersed in gay/lesbian culture and even less association with the heterosexual community from a political and social viewpoint, seperating the world into gay being 'good' and straight being 'bad' - possibly developing a hatred towards hetrosexism. They'll identify gay culture as their sole source of support so they'll have all gay friends etc.

Stage 6 : Identity Synthesis

This is probably the ultimate stage you wanna be in. People in this stage would have developed a more holistic view, defining themselves more completely, rather than just in terms of sexual orientation. There will be a decreased intensity of anger towards hetrosexism and allow their trust in them to build. They will feel comfortable moving out into the world and not define it based on sexual orientation.

Credits to robmuch and his video "The Coming Out Process"
Though this is very informative, i don't think one should believe that this is exactly how a homosexual should live his life, rather it just being a model to tell them where they are or where they could be heading. After all, we all lead different lives with different circumstances. So with all this in mind, its time i asked;

what stage are you in?

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