Monday, September 8, 2008

An Epic Battle & The Tyra Banks Show

First of all i wanna congratulate KAI the Juggernaut and Ah Neo the Holy Knight for their omnislash-ing, hand of god-ing, victory against the Evil Magnataur Blogskine. It was an epic battle and i'm sure we are all proud of you for defeating the mega evil, fiendishly cruel blogskin HTML.

here's what i'm talking about;

anyways back to business. I was watching the Tyra Banks show just now and it was a really funny episode (not the funny kinda funny but the wierd kinda funny). It was literally a debate about what's best for moms. On one side, weighing in half of the audience, give it up for the WORKING MOMS! And on the other side, weighing the other half of the audience are the STAY AT HOME MOMS! It was kinda ridiculus to see how the audience got so worked up about the issues brought up, whether it was breast feeding or staying at home for your kids. They made little judgements on what's best even without proper backings. Like there was this one woman who commented on the stay at home mom that her kid should get daycare because he is not socialising. Wat the fish? I mean who is this woman to say what is and what is not best for the kid when she don't even know how the kid looks like!

I guess it was the influence of the audience. Something like peer pressure. Just cause u think it's right, and many people support that idea it automatically makes it right. I rolled my eyes at how they were so easily against the mother who breast fed her child up to 7 years old but clapped when someone said "the needs of my daughter come first". Aiyo sometimes people can be so dramatic, and it seems like women are the more common in this case.

Perhaps if strong influences did not make up people's minds, then we would not have communism, rally speeches, and the FTPSS Student Councillors (LOL). What a world!

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