Monday, September 22, 2008

Archie my bf.

I woke up to a wierd dream today. I dreamt David Archuleta was my bf. LOL

i dont remember much of it - but the part i do remember.

Archie obviously stayed in the states. He'd talk to me over MSN and once in a while call me. He recently had this problem where no one recognised him anymore and that people didn't care about him no more, that he didn't have any friends blah blah blah. Me on the other hand, was super happy to be able to talk to him (like hello, David Archuleta leh -.-) and we clicked really well.
He told me his problems and i symphatised with him and so on. I dunno why but he's problems seems numerous and i'd feel very.... erm sad? symphathetic? i dunno how to describe the emotion i felt each time he spoke to me but it was pretty overwhelming a feeling.

Then one day he came over to Singapore and still no one recognised him. Out of the crowds in some warehouse i searched him out and then i saw him tearing at some corner. He instantaneously recognised me and started crying even more. Lol. I went over and gave him a hug (a pretty long hug if u ask me) i started crying with him too lmao xD.

after a couple of seconds of hugging i really started to enjoy him hugging me and didn't wanna let go. the next minute.......

MY CAT JUMPED ON ME AND RUINED MY SUPER AWESOME DREAM. Lol. I jumped up and then after a few moments of thinking i started laughing at the dream.

dreams are a way of your subconcious trying to tell you stuff. So what was this dream trying to tell me? That i like hugging David Archuleta? LOL. I know it's like, super impossible that Archie would add me on MSN let alone become so close as to be my bf =/ and all, but i told myself something after i got up, "hey, a guy can dream can't he?"


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