Sunday, November 2, 2008

Best Friends

I spent the whole day out with a friend on Friday. It was halloween and I wouldn't have wanted to spend it with anyone else. I met her at 10 in the morn and i reached home at 11 that night. Talk about a long day!

The thing that made me think was that i realized i liked spending time with her; she's like a sister i never had. We share stuff in common, like how we both have hard love lives, and how we both LOVE to stare at cute guys - lol.

Still, sometimes i ask myself if i would dare call her my best friend - all the last ones i called best friends ended in disaster. Those of you who remember things with me and Whye Chiz, and Harold does not speak to me no more neither.

Giving a friend a label like my best friend is not good if u ask me - it makes them think they play a special role in our lives and as is human nature, they take it for granted. Its happened all too often before and I am not gonna let it happen anymore. I don't think i can call anyone my best friend, at least not at the present time anyways. It might be cruel, but i like to keep my good friends hanging on my friendship rather than making them feel secure with me that they would take it for granted. (Sorry guys, >.<)

Maybe this case only applies to my life; perhaps millions have succeeded with calling each other best friends, i dunno. So it just leaves me to ask; do any of you have real best friends? If so please do tell me! Make me convinced and believe in 'best-friendships'.

Thanks marr for the time and the fish; u cook awesome! =)

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