Wednesday, July 16, 2008

cramp legs and canibalism.

P.E 2 days in a row is a stupid idea, especially when every tuesday is conditioning. NAFA test over already still must condition for what? Mr. Poon gets kinda crazy over conditioning. i heard last week 2 people puked during his period! anyways, im not gonna get too lenghty with the details of the INSANITY he put us through, just know that i cant take a single step without mentally saying "owww!". I played rugby today though. It was more fun than i had originally expected. my specs fell off ma face a couple of times and it got bent but its all in good sport. Managed to get it bent back anyways. Mr kong taught us the rules of rugby (according to him, what we were previously playing was captains' ball with violence) and it was more fun that way. Just goes to show u, game rules were made for a reason!

anyways kim yong showed me a horribly disgusting, gross, indecent, apalling, inhumane, did i mention DISGUSTING?, story on canibalism. Some japanese dude killed a dutch woman and took pictures of it as he dismembered her body and ate it part by part. What worse is he actually gave vivid descpriptions of those horrid and unnatural acts! *PUKE* i lost my appetite for good. Why do people like that exist? Lord God, what has the world come to? That act makes even being gay soooooo normal! *note to self: stay away from any dismembered bodies ><

I kinda realized then, that killing animals is probably just as brutal and bloody. I saw a youtube video called Old McDonald has a farm - about Mcdonald's having a beef farm in the amazon. It's not that different from the pics of that gross and SICK japanese dude. Then again, we're at the top of the food chain. Still, that dont give us a right to makan our brethren!

I'm not exactly traumatized, but i am disturbed by that story.

p.s. check out my links (its called DONT EVER CLICK ON THESE!). Davey Wavey has got an interesting post about TV. His talky-blog is kinda cool if u ask me; and he even gets cash outta the videos he sells! Though no one can explain why he never wears a shirt xD

and lastly; remember, no matter how hungry you get, dont turn and start munching on the fella next to you. IT'S WRONG PEOPLE!

Old McDonald has a farm (in the amazon)

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